17 November 2010

Instructions - How To add Pictures To The Polyvore Database

On polyvore if you can't find the item you want in the database of pictures already uploaded you can use the 'clip' tool to get the pictures yourself.

This works by you first downloading the clip tool onto your favourites bar - don't worry this takes a few seconds and is completely safe to do.

  You then find a picture on the internet that you want to add to the polyvore database and use.  
You click the clip tool on the favourites bar and a small box will appear in the top right hand corner of the browser - this will work on google chrome

 then click the picture you want to add - if they are items of clothes it works better if they are on a white background - and its details will appear in the small box that appeared, you add tags and a name and save it.

When you go back to the set you're creating on polyvore click the tab that say 'My Items' and the new item should be there - it may not appear right away and if it doesn't give it a little time to load.

And that's how you add pictures to polyvore - my newest item, Framing Hanley hoodie

Note: Pictures can not be taken from some websites due to active copyright blocks - e.g. photobucket, picasa - but you can take them from most websites including Blogger

15 November 2010

Shadow Of Love

I've just finished my newest editions to my collection - it was originally made for a competition of a group I am part of on Polyvore but I developed it and made it so that I was proud of it whether it was entered or not.
It had very strong colour of red, white and black and a heavy emo style to it - this is partly because of the strong influence from Framing Hanley and their style.
Anyway, it can be found on the right of the blog =D


New Backgrounds

I've spent most of the afternoon creating 3 new background texts for polyvore (with 3 cropped altered versions) - I will be using them for my Emo Love set which I am currently working on but feel free to use them too!

Framing Hanley

The most recent set to my collection is based on the alternative rock/post-grunge band, Framing Hanley.
I took the style from their promo shoots for 2009 and 2010 and combined them to make the perfect matching outfit for a girl.  It doesn't have a specific purpose but was really made show what could be worn to a concert of theirs which I will hopefully be going to next Febuary.



Polyvore is a fashion, interior design and graphics creation website,
I use it make fashion sets based on a range of things.
so far my collection is pretty small as I'm new to it but some of the long time and well known users have hundreds of collections up and being viewed constantly.

It's not only good for the fun of creation but many of the more experienced users have launched their own groups that anyone can join.  These groups can be based on different ideas but you can join as many as you please and they hold regular competitions which the members can enter a 1 or more sets they have created - based on a stimulus e.g. the colour green, prom outfit or dream home.